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Sunday, July 29, 2007


I cant stand the ways some people take photos~ @*#%
Spoil the photo only!

WTF is their problem when they take photos like this?

Its either that they are too damn dumbass stupid, or just assholes?
Cant they just press the zoom button? or just walk nearer?
When they take photos for us like this, It spoils our memory by abit! Nabeh...

Not as if the background is so god-damned gorgeous... Its damn plain! @*#%
Brainless creature! @*#%

Another is when you walk up to some kind looking stranger... Asked them to help you take a photo...
Of cos... they obliged...

Then withought saying 1-2-3, suddenly they said : "There you go"

Then what? Everyone eyes would be closed? people moving? Mouth half open half close!
Dont want to help just say dont one to help la! #*%^

Why do people have to take photos at an angle?

Must they really tilt the camera? Wont Landscape or portrait do?
This type of angle... Not as if when u straighten the camera, the background will be lost la~

Unless the background is TOO long, maybe a LONG dragon or something, and when u turn here turn there cannot fit the whole thing in, then you tilt la!!!
Like this, dont know want to rotate the photo or flip here and there! Which way was it supposed to be? @*#%

Kk... this photo is not slanted till that bad... but... needed an example...
You get the hint right?

Another is when u are trying to take a proper photo...
Wait for very long before you get the background cleared...

Then some "friend" will appear somehow behind just to piss you off~
Its not that bad... cos we are all from the same group! But when u want to appear in OUR photo, can you please at least fucking SMILE? Suddenly appear and show a smelly face...

Now what? Background is nice, Cameraman has a good angle, Main people looks good...
Want to appear in another person's photo, just SMILE! At least wont look so extra... We may even be able to save the photo!

Anyway... Whats with the finger in the lens shot? Such an ass! the photo will be spoilt with just that teeny weeny finger! *groans**
<--ps:i think its my finger!

Still got la... but forget got what else already! (oo)


Complained @ 5:49 PM

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Ok... Ah Soh did the topic on Social responsibility in Singapore.

Days later, Boon sent me an email regarding the topic he asked us to write about...
<--and asked me to post it here...

So here's his say on the topic!

Social responsibility in Singapore...

Singapore has probably one of the highest standards of social responsibility, but otherwise one of the worst. Have we ever considered that our actions affect others?

I decided to write this article in view of the current trends that I have observed when I was strolling around Orchard Road the other day.

It is not that I condemn Singaporeans to a point that they are not socially responsible. But it is rather disturbing to note that the trend is there. We are getting less and less socially responsible. Several people that I observed throw litter on the floor and walk away. Others smoke when they are in the non-smoking zone, while yet others board the train before letting the train commuters to exit first. Commuters in the train speak loudly into their cell phones ignoring the fact that he is sharing the space with hundreds in the same car. The list adds on.

A few stopped to throw their litter into the bin. (But how many people actually do that?). It is utterly frustrating when you walk a street full of litter.

Having lived in Singapore for the past 20 years, I noticed that although the number of bins in Singapore increased substantially, the problem of littering still persists. It does not help that with an increasing population, it will result in more commuters in the trains, more people littering, and more people smoking. With that, it adds or rather, burdens the society to become more self-centered. Hitherto, I see no enforcement of laws onto people who break them. i.e. people eating in the MRT. This should discontinue as it may very well displease others who use the train.

A typical Singaporean will smirk at you when you ask him to pick up a litter. It is no wonder that many foreigners think of us as self-centered people.

So how do we go and deal with these? Well, you have to enforce the penalties meted out for offenders or the Government introduces more rules. The latter is something that many Singaporeans do not want to see it billed. But, if there is no penalty, we will encourage these people to continue their act.

In my opinion it ultimately boils down to the family upbringing. With a good family background, I am sure our future generations will be more socially responsible than now.

ps... i copied the whole email word for word.. must listen to what teacher Quek says ma!!! WHOAHAHHAA


Complained @ 12:46 AM

Friday, July 27, 2007

I'm damn pissed with people that kept saying :

"you confirm every week got do one right?"
"Dont try to deny, know so much means got do right?"
"Theres no more virgins in this world"

Whats all this? Nabeh! Got boyfriend means must have sex ar? @*#%

Fucker! When you dont have any morals, it does'nt mean that i dont have any as well!
Who says people in relationship must have sex?
I strongly believe in sex AFTER marriage! So dont fucking put me into your shoes!

So what if i seem open and can joke about it?
Does it mean that if you talk about AIDS then does it mean that you have aids? If so, i seriously hope u die ASAP!

I dont get it! Why do people have so little self-control these days? Why lose your virginity to someone you did'nt marry yet?
Cant you just wait a few more years before u get married then u can screw all you want?

So what if theres talk of marriage and future with your current boyfriend... Does that mean you wont break up when things go wrong?

Lets see... so you give him your 1st time, then u break up... So what? your next boyfriend has to accept 2nd hand goods? Unless he's an ass, he would deserve someone untouched right?

Then what? Marry a good innocent guy with GOOD MORALS after realizing that those bastards are not good enough for you? Marry someone that treats you well, takes care of you, protect you... then what? Present yourself as "Opened and Used"? Isn't that unfair?

Of cos... Most people don't mind about virginity these days... its just too common...
Your life partner may not mind... but YOU? Wont you feel guilty that you did'nt give him your first?

Think about it... anyway... people that talk openly about it are not the ones doing it...
<--especially girls Its those quiet and innocent ones that gets the shotguns!!!
those loudmouth chorlor vulgar ones are those that knows how to protect themselves!

I may seem to know alot... but actually its through words of mouth... those discussions and jokes and such! Even magazines have sex topics on almost every issue on how to improve your sex life, have more sex, seduce... blah blah...

So how do you not know? And the Only porn i've watched before was "Perfume" which was rated R(A).
And theres nothing porn-y about it at all!

NABEH! Who's so free to go suft the net and look for porn like the other losers?

Anyway... i'm writing this only becos i am pissed by a certain "Good Clock friend" of mine! We were happily talking about normal stuffs and then he kept insisting that i've done it b4! I told him that i did'nt and dont want to talk about it already when he was getting to details, but he kept continuing...
So i just "kapped" his phone.

But I was damn bloody pissed! NABEH!

You can insult me, but not my morals! @*#%


Complained @ 2:16 AM

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Anyone interested in watching Chinese Orchestra Concert this sunday?
Our Dear William is performing again!
It will be this Sunday, 28 July 2007 at Singapore Concert Hall
Ticket will be $15

Support him ok!!! She Bangs She Bangs!!! =)

Interested, call William @ 97201028 to reserve tickets, If not, don't be lazy... just go there and buy it yourself!!! =)


Dear Wushu People!!!

Our Dear Pony/Tiko King/Air Banana is having his 21st Bday party this Saturday @ 6pm @ his house.
Anyone going? Maybe can meet and go together!!! =)

RSVP - Remember Send Valuable Presents!!!


Anyone free on Friday night? 27 July 2007 to Saturday morning?
Agilan & RotiPrata will be moving house to god-knows-where!

Anyone Free/Kaypoh/helpful/boliao... or just wanna meet 2 great guys, please update me ASAP!!! =)

Come if you just have a fetish for shifting house too! =)

They need Manpower!

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Complained @ 10:14 AM

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

yoyoyo everyone... i'm here again... don't think anyone missed me right... because my bitching posts ain't as entertaining as my partner's... hahahaha... partner xin ku ni le! ^^

partner has given me 2 topics to blog about, namely 'transformers' and 'social responsibility' in singapore... eh, i have to say that i have no childhood ah wahahahahaha... as in i didn't watch much television, much less cartoons... no interest in them lol... even until now... so don't bother asking me anything related to the television =X therefore, 'transformers' this topic is out! (you can't ask me to blog about the movie either, because i don't even have a slightest inkling of what 'transformers' itself is about... lol)

now onto the 'social responsibility in singapore'... eh... actually i don't quite understand this term but i'll try to interpret it and blog la huh... if there's anything wrong with this post then just ignore haha...

social, social... it simply means it has something to do with humans in the society... so i assume that 'social responsibility' is related to how we make the society a better place for everyone to live in??? yeah so let's start with the 'don'ts'...

1) when taking the mrt, DON'T open your legs so wide that they touch the legs of the people at your 2 sides... ESPECIALLY THE GUYS! i don't freaking care if that's the way you sit normally or that your balls are freaking big, just get this into your head: it's bloody irritating and rude! just fooking keep to your alloted space and sit properly! @$^%$^%@#$!@

2) again, mrt-related... if you guys have no SPINES, don't take the mrt please... it's really frustrating to have people leaning against the grab poles which leaves others without anything to hold on to!!! there are only so many hand grips available, you'll be causing other commuters alot of inconvenience (worst still, their chances of falling over increase!) if your bloody back leans against the grab pole! fooking inconsiderate...

p/s: did i mention to anyone before that i hate to take the mrt? but there's nothing i could do about it argh!

3) if there's no tiger or ghost chasing behind you, would you mind not being so kiasu? come on man! take life easy! if you're unfortunately the last one, so be it - it's not like you're forever gonna be the last one anyway... 下次请早! (damn those aunties, i don't understand why i always get shoved around by them! let me reveal something... psst, ang mohs can be REALLY kiasu too! there were 2 aunties trying to cut my queue at the london eye the other day... i diao-ed them every single time they tried to intercept the queue... tmd la be more civilised please!)

4) if you're a driver, SIGNAL EARLY PLEASE WTF. the problem with singaporean drivers is, not only are they rude, they cut lanes as and when they like without sparing a thought for other road users and WITHOUT SIGNALLING IN TIME... road hazards!!! those riding motorcycles, DON'T WEAVE IN AND OUT OF THE TRAFFIC RECKLESSLY CAN?! it's NOT cool, it's a NUISANCE... ya, when you meet an accident, let's see who's the cool one...

5) if you're a pedestrian - or rather, a JAYWALKER - cross the road (those with no traffic lights) if you must, but don't cross at the last juncture when the vehicle is already very near you?!?!?!?! make up your mind fast damn it!!! don't be wishy-washy and stand there thinking whether you wanna cross or not... you're endangering BOTH your life and the motorists' lives... if you really get knocked down (while jaywalking), the person who knocked you down has to take up responsibilities, pay your hospital fees, get charged in court, pay fines and even go to jail while you think of how to sue that person for compensation and stuffs like that... drivers are humans too, even if they're driving within the speed limit, you can't possibly expect them to react in time to e-brake their cars just for you to finish crossing the roads... harlow?! it's not only them who are driving on the roads! even if they e-brake in time, what's gonna happen to the vehicles behind?! sometimes i don't really pity those jaywalkers who got knocked down by vehicles... i sympathise the drivers instead... because if you think of it, sometimes it's really the pedestrians' own fault!

those who have never driven before, drive a car yourself and you'll know what i'm talking about!

6) don't make a mess out of your own food please -_- the table cleaners will have a hard time clearing the table... i was a waitress before, so i know how dirty and messy singaporeans can get... but you don't need to be a waitress to know that ya?! show some positive traits of your own upbringing please!!

7) omg, couples, don't PDA please -.- PDA = Public Display of Affection... it's just gross -_- i know you people love each other alot blah blah blah but please wait until you get home then show your affections thank you very much!

8) please freaking use a pair of earphones if you wanna listen to music from your HANDPHONE. it's NOISE POLLUTION damn it. sorry but i don't share your taste for those JARRING and HORRENDOUS music. neither do others!

hmm... can't think of anymore... wahahaha... i'll end here for now!!

Complained @ 11:30 AM

Sunday, July 22, 2007

So SAD! Nobody tagged about how nice the scrolling Marquee was! @*#%

People nowadays don't know what talent is! (oo)

Bloody hell! JUST TAG LA!!!


Went to SPYC Gathering on 21 July 2007

It was MUCH more different to the usual AGM that Wushu has~

Wushu's AGM was always so serious... with powerpoints, then role passing... then speech... and THE END...

Hmmm~ I was plesently Surprised when i stepped into T2013 and saw...

They Self painted the BIG cloth and made the spinning thing! Creative!!! =)

The room was SUPER colorful! Unlike the serious image i had in my mind...
I heard lots of laughter!!!

The number of people grew by ALOT too! Luckily i still managed to see a few familar faces~

And... The new members are deeply involved in Bondage~
No la... Bobby kenna sabo-ed... He was the 1st person to be catcher! Its played the same way as 鱼网 except its the blindfolded version!

Then theres some Chair game... We were seated in groups, then we had to syncronise and move as a team.
Dont really know how to play still... But... was entertained!!! WHOAHAHHAA!!! (oo)

Anyway... Jiao's cousin is also in SPYC!!! how i know?
We were eating snake as usual on Friday training, when i told jiao that i wont be training on Saturday cos i had to go SPYC meeting, she said :"My cousin also from SPYC one"
Small world~

The Leftover food!!! WHEE!!! Liked the Veggie and Round otah thing~ =)

Anyway... Group Photo!!! =)
Lets not bother about the idiots that left, and the another idiot that kept trying to set his timing on his own camera!!! <--Kwun Hok purposely aim you~
So what if the photo is crooked?

I rule!!! So there~

My 2 darlings!!! Just to prove that i am ACTUALLY super tall!!!
The people that made my day!
Well... of cos right!!! Since they are the only few people that i know from the start~
Told you i'm shy! *blush**

I even get a doorgift!!! =) Damn bloody romantic!!! AH SOH!!! You Jealous? I got and u dont have! NANANEPOOPOO!!!
Its the effort ok! the EFFORT!!! =)

Wushu people~ Learn from them hor!!! lalala!!! @*#%


Saw this video in Bondevia
Damn Funny!

Wonder how they managed to get 1500 inmates from the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center (CPDRC) in Cebu, Philippines performing Michael Jacksons "Thriller".

Its so damn cute! How the hell do they manage to get all of them to be so Kwai Kwai listen and do these?
Somemore is Inmates leah!!! if its a bunch of school students being forced by school i can imagine... But inmates? Are'nt they supposed to be mean and tough?

But... Why is the Main lead and the Damsel in distress so @*#%
Should use a handsome young cute guy instead ma!
Whoa Liao! Then i be the Distressed!

So cute! People! We should try to give people 2nd chances ok! Especially those that did'nt offend you! WHOAHAHHAA! =X

Ps: Lets all go break the law or something, maybe we can learn dancing for free too!!! =)

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Complained @ 11:07 AM


Lets happily sing the BirdDay Song One More time!!! =)

Happy BirdDay to you,
Happy BirdDay to you,
Happy BirdDay to

QiuZhiOrNi BreakChaiFallBallDuck!!!
Happy BirdDay to you!!!

Are you touched? 2nd time sing BirdDay song to you !!! =)


Today is the day our beloved AH SOH is coming back from London!
Must bug her to update!!! lol!!! @*#%


Later ask bday boy lick your backside!!! (oo)


Have Put my life in danger to tell you all how the Bandung Banana tasted like...


Although its just abit sweet, Should just go try ok!!! =)


Its CONFIRMED!!! Fang-er and ME will be going Diving at Pulau Dayang on 3-5 Aug!!!
Its still not too late to join us if anyone else is interested! Basic course is $450... Everything included!
Leisure diving will be $300!
Theres even 2 sexy girls thrown in!!! (US OF COS! STOP LOOKING AROUND!!! )
Ask if you want more details!!! (oo)


Saw this on Yahoo news! <-- See i DO read news... but not from newspaper! (oo)
Think that its cute although alot of people commented that they wasted one min of their time to watch it!!!

Next time when i have 2 hamsters, i will make them fight too!!! CUTE!!!
Watch them fight, then take them to cook!

Maybe i will keep Chinchillas instead.... Still havent kidnap Weng's to make Chinchilla soup! WHOAHHAHAA!!! *Drools**

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Complained @ 1:01 AM

Friday, July 20, 2007

Anyone has suggestions for a group of nice collegues that i am leaving to go and jump into the deep blue sea?

A temporary job that i had a contract with for only 3 months has became into a permanent job that i had stayed for 20 months!

Everyone kept asking me how many more days before i ORD?

Alot more ask why i am leaving if i'm so happy now!!!

Frankly, i really don't know why! BUT I'm definately NOT happy!
Its not about the work... Its more about the bonding that i have with them!

It really took me very long before i opened up to them! And now... i have to leave them before i know it! =(

I really hope that it will not be a wrong choice! Pray that the people there are as idiotic as the ones here now, Hope that i will have a chance to grow and learn in the other company!
Of cos, i am not certain that i will still have the time to Blog, MSN, shake leg when i am there~

I really want to thank them for the support, guidance, and encouragement that they have provided me during my time at Translink.

From Strangers, to Collegues, then friends.

Damn... i will miss them lots! And i want them to miss me too! Thats why i am asking for your help!

What can i get for them to remember me by?
K la... not the whole lot...but these few in the Sales & Marketing department especially!!! =(

Ps: I made that for Joy's farewell! Hard to imagine that its going to be my turn soon!!! =(

Also... Cannot forget My Makan Kakhis that have been taking care of me since Day one! Judith, Jennifer, May, Alice, Sally, Barry!

Damn... how come i got the 思恋的感觉 when they are not even my lovers? @*#%

Please please!!! Give me ideas for gifts for them!


Complained @ 1:46 PM

Thursday, July 19, 2007

This morning, I was late for work, but was slowly taking my time since it was raining SUPER heavily so i'm
CONFIRM late!!! <-- as usual

Happily took my umbrella, wear my slippers, getting ready to go to my usual bus-stop to take the 183!

Had to cross the road to get to the other side~
cross cross, Stand at the middle road area while waiting for the cars at the other side to clear before i cross, and...


Not one time...

Not two times also...

Its FUCKING 4 TIMES!!! @*#%

How can people be such assholes?
I was holding a striking orange umbrella damnit!!!
Dont bullshit and say you can't see me!

Such a cute, innocent, gentle, nice, kind, weak little girl standing at the MIDDLE of the road trying to cross, kenna splashed 4 fucking times!


Yup... they are male drivers!!! Such bastards... Or are they really too stunned to see a cute innocent little girl crossing the road by herself? *blush**

Only ONE nice car slowed down to avoid spashing me!

Anyway... i'm nice... Have a present for those fucking inconsiderate drivers on the road

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.•´


My handphone that was hanging around my neck got hanged becos of the bloody assholes~
Luckily i have a dryer in my office!!!

They should know better cos their handphones are NOT waterproof too!

MAY their phone drop into the toiletbowls AFTER shitting...
*oops... forget they got no asshole!!!**

Wadever... Just

And to think that i'm the wettest in office when i live only 5 busstops away


Complained @ 9:37 AM

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Wondered why nobody made the effort to guess the SHITS!
The answers are...

  • Holy Shit
  • Bull Shit
  • Tough Shit
  • No Shit
  • Hot Shit

Anyone guessed it right?


Lalala~ Introducing the NEW Bundung Banana drink!
Go try it~ I've got 2 cans at home... but did'nt try it yet!

Dont worry la~ anything Banana-ish should be nice!!! =) <-- Should'nt be poisonous ba~

lalala~ =)

PS: AH SOH!!! Dreaming ar? Where's your update!!! @#*%

By the look of the picture's background, i think its time to re-pack my room AGAIN~ @*#%

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Complained @ 2:29 PM

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Random Rumble~
Feel like peeing now~

Felt so bloated after having a super nice luch of 油鸡! Its at Lorong 4 Block 93! The food was damn nice! and despite my effort to try NOT to finish up all my rice, i gulped everything down before i knew it!!! @*#%


Anyway... show u all a picture of a DANGEROUS creature~

Lalala... went bird park to celebrate a BIRD's (duck) birthday!!!

The idiots that went to BirdPark to accompany the duck to see his family!!!

Actually, there's nothing much to do in birdpark except to see birds~ *duh**
Its the company of idiots that counts! =)
He's sad enough that he cannot fly already~ (oo)

BUT at least he managed to try to train other species that can fly!

Anyway, the wishing well was out of order because we wished for a Handsome prince...


An ugly duckling appeared~ @*#^

KK~ enough Bird Jokes about the Bird-day boy!

Lets Sing a Birdday song for GARY the Duck~
Ps: His full name is:
BreakChaiFallBallDuck!!! =)

So nice~ =^_^=


Happy BirdDay to you,
Happy BirdDay to you,
Happy BirdDay to IsmailGaryKumarLeeChunHeiBteYvonneYvonneSakura
Happy BirdDay to you!!!

Yeah!!! *claps**

May all the Duck Wishes come true! =)


Complained @ 1:56 PM

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Ok... the previous post was something i "koped" from the net!!! i know that its Sooo bloody un-orginal! but... give some face and at least act like its the first time ma~
Gek Gao!!! @*#%

Want original shit ar?

Nah... Take~ Original Banana shit! from BaNanA^_^

Actually i love diarreoah!
(k la... still dunno how to spell lao-sai even though i
am almost 22 @*#%)
The feeling is sooo SHIOK! u get the feeling, sit on the toiletbowl then use a little bit of strength to PUSH!
Ahhh~ everything just comes out sooo smoothly! The smell is also abit different from the usual shit! it smells fresher, stronger, and gives u a great sense of sastifaction!!! mmmmm~ That is good shit!

Another type of shit that i like to create is the Long long thick thick type!
Especially after a heavy meal! WHEE~ makes me feel that i have lost 1kg just by sitting down!
Its not easy and it takes skill and patience to give birth to the shit and leave it into 1 BIG LONG LINE!
i often fail and ended up with 2~ =(
Sometimes in the process of coming out, it gets too heavy and breaks off, causing a splash! damn... got my ass wet<--again!!

But... its the shiokness of letting it all out! After one achievement, you try to push abit harder to see if there is more!
sad to say, It always ends at 1 or 2 long pieces~

These are my 2 favourite shits!

There is another type i like, but maybe its only qualified for the number 3! its a long thin type! Especially when u ate nuts, corn, blah blah the day before...
WHEE! and the next day when u shit, you get to see some debris of the nuts, corn, wadever in the shit! WHOA! so facinating! But u cannot do anything about it... cannot touch and poke to see the nuts/corn remains! So tormenting!!! *itchy fingers**
and NO~ i did'nt touch it before! @*#%

*you must be groaning but i dont care**

The shit that i hated most is those that u have to concentrate and PUSH for real long before a small part pops out! then when u breath in or start missing PeiXuan and it goes back in!
Eventually... after all the hard work, you only manage to pop out small little balls of goat shit~

Bleh~ so un-motivating~

Kk... dunno what to say le...
Found a few shit costumes online! Think it looks idiotic & cute!
Anyone can guess in orfer what the different shits stand for?

Faster guess!!! Maybe winner gets a sample of my shit!!! WHOAHHAHAAH~

*clue** First one is Holy shit!!! lol~ =)

Life gives u shit... Live with it! (oo)


Complained @ 9:48 AM

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Hee... did the Shit Name test~

My shit is birth shit-the ones that make you feel like a pregnant woman about to pop. sometimes you squeeze so hard getting them out you cry a bit or wee a little..
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

Kk as requested... Shit Topic is coming right up! (While typing this can think of Xuan... and Fang!)

  • Ghost Shit
    You know you've shit.There's shit on the toilet paper, but no shit in the bowl.
  • Teflon Coated Shit
    Comes out so slick, clean and easy that you don't feel it. No traces of shit on the toilet paper and you have to look in the bowl to be sure you did it.
  • Gooey Shit
    This has the consistency of hot tar. You wipe your arse 12 times and it still doesn't come clean. You end up putting toilet paper in your underpants so you don't stain it. This shit leaves permanent skid marks on the bowl.
  • Second Thought Shit
    You're all done wiping your arse and about to stand up when .... you realise it .... you've got more.
  • Pop-A-Vein-In-Your-Arse Shit
    This is the kind of shit that killed Elvis. It doesn't come until you're all sweaty, trembling and purple from straining so hard.
  • Bali Belly Shit
    You shit so much you loose 5 kilos.
  • Right Now Shit
    You'd better be within 10 seconds of a toilet. Usually it has its head out before you get your pants down.
  • King Kong or Commode Choker Shit
    This shit is so big you know it wont go down the toilet unless you break it into smaller chunks. A coat hanger works well. This kind of shit usually happens at someone else's house.
  • Wet Cheeks Shit
    This shit hits the water sideways and makes a BIG splash that wets your arse.
  • Wish Shit
    You sit there all cramped up and fart a few times, but no shit.
  • Cement Block Shit or "Oli God" Shit
    You wish you'd gotten a spinal block before you shit.
  • Snake Shit
    This shit is fairly soft and about as round as your thumb and at least three feet long.
  • Cork Shit or Floater Shit
    Even after the third flush, its still floating in there ("My God! How do I get rid of it!") This shit usually happens at someone else's house.
  • Mexican Food Shit or "Screamers"
    You'll know its alright to eat again when your asshole stops burning.
  • Beer Drunk Shit
    This happens the day after the night before. Normally your shit doesn't smell too bad ....... but this shit is really BAD! There is always somebody standing outside waiting to use this bathroom. This kind of shit usually happens at someone else's house. It's more like a cross between the Teflon Coated Shit and the Second Thought Shit listed above.

Hee... ah soh... your turn! know u always got no topic to write about... got 2 suggestions from Boon & Naipa...

  • Social responsibility in s'pore
  • Transformers!!!

See... Soo good... give u ideas! haha~ (oo)

Life gives you shit...So learn to live with it!


Complained @ 12:01 PM

Saturday, July 7, 2007

I'm working with the most idiotic people in the world!!!
First, one guy bought a shoe during lunch hour...

Then the others started asking him :
"now buy shoe, when buy car?"

Then he say going to buy BMW soon!

Thats what got them going....


  • Big Mouth Woman
  • Bust Mouth Waist
  • Bus MRT Walk

Super funny! I like!!! =)

Damn... i will miss them~


Complained @ 3:52 PM

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Currently Interested people are...
  • HuiFang
  • Juliana

Come come... the more the merrier!!! (date maybe will postpone... see how)

Anyone interested to go Scuba Diving?

Just because i am free on the last week of July I'm here trying to Con people to take lessons so that they can go with me!!!

For Beginners, you will need to have

    • 2 Theory Lessons (Singapore somewhere around bugis)
    • 2 Pool lessons (Outram Secondary School)
    • 3 Day dive (Tioman this time)

Its considered Cheap already!!! $450 for the whole course (27 - 29 July 2007) ... Including transport, stay, food, gears...

Entertainment will be self provided! depends on how idiotic you are!
5 open water dives in total!

Leave Singapore on friday night, 3 dives on saturday, 2 dives on Sunday, then back to singapore again!

Interested? Faster contact me at 97688343! MUST FASTER~

Later no space already then u cry! (oo)

(ps: i only need to pay $300 cos i am going for leisure diving instead of the course... NANANEPOOPOO!)

Dive into the sea of thought, and find there pearls beyond price


Complained @ 5:20 PM

RARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR... i'm back with a vengeance! (okie not quite)

sorrie that i haven't been blogging here... partner, xin ku ni le! hahahahaha... i'm currently in london, very busy with school =( sianz...

anyway... today is my 4th day here, and i still don't have much of a positive feeling for this place... so sad huh...

anyway the environment here is so different... unlike the passive students in singapore, people here are actually so much more active during lesson time... they won't hesitate to interrupt the lecturer, counter each other's arguments, raise 3847293422091 questions blah blah blah... it's quite disruptive sometimes i would say, and the poor lecturer has to fight for her turn to speak -.-'

i'm really really really really really struggling here... in terms of understanding the different accents of english... honestly speaking, until now, i still catch no ball about what i'm studying!!! i'm seriously in deep shit i tell you... grrrrrr...

(sorrie if the following content sounds racist but it's just me, so don't take it to heart)

my course is IT-related, so naturally there are quite a few people who are from this certain country whose people are very competent in IT and eloquent... they are almost always the ones who bombard the lecturer/tutor with lotsaaaaaaaaaaaaa questions and rattle on non-stop about their own opinions etc... perhaps it's because i'm not quite used to this kinda lesson style, i find them really irritating to disrupt the lectures every now and then... AND... 90% OF THE TIME I CANNOT UNDERSTAND WHAT THEY ARE SAYING... it's really irritating + annoying...... i find their accents worst, because they love to connect their words together in such a way that there seems to be NO pause between them... they don't seem to articulate the words properly one by one... I REALLY CANNOT UNDERSTAND THEM LA!!!!!!!!!!!!! don't get me wrong, i respect them and their mother tongue, and i KNOW they can't help speaking that way but i just... HATE IT... it's ENGLISH, not their MOTHER TONGUE... why can't they just speak slower and CLEARLY for poor folks like me?!!!!!!!!! gosh... i'm getting headaches after EVERY lecture you know?! not to mention that i have to take in like at least 6 other accents from the others... (greek, spanish, denmark, american, norwegian, turkish, african.........)

another thing is... i find the ang mohs (the people whose mother tongue is pure ENGLISH and nothing else) tend to 'ERM' too much... this is another irritating thing to me... it's like they add an 'erm' to the end of every 3-5 words they say... even me, who's not a native english speaker and that my spoken english sucks BIG TIME, don't do that... i don't understand why they have to keep 'erm' 'erm' 'erm'... even the lecturers do that all the time... gosh... don't they know it's a bad habit?!

if any ang moh were to see what i've written above, yeah he/she can jolly well say that i have no rights to criticise their english since i'm not a native speaker... WELL... at least i try my best to speak proper english sentences in an environment whereby english is the common medium to communicate... i don't add in extra unnecessary words... yes i do speak singlish, all the 'lah' 'lor' 'leh' etc, but that's only confined within my own country... singlish is SO MUCH MORE friendlier and easily understood in singapore...

the last thing i wanna bitch about is... there really ARE people who are biased against asians...... it's oh-so-obvious from their actions and behaviours... they'd rather speak to fellow caucasians and treat you invisible... gosh... it's indeed a rude culture shock, but kinda expected anyway... just for info, yeah i'm the only asian in my class... but that's not the worst you know... the worst is when FELLOW ASIANS ALSO TREAT YOU INVISIBLE... it's like they don't acknowledge your existence at all, they prefer to mix with those ang mohs and absolutely don't seem to wanna have anything to do with you... DAMNED IMBECILES... i've never had any good impressions of those who are si beh ang moh pai... of course there are some good ones, but more often than not i meet the bad ones la... in fact i see them no up, because if you look down on your roots, you don't deserve to be looked up upon AT ALL!

don't get me wrong, most of my classmates are nice people... just that there are *SOME* who like to gey kiang and are so eager to prove that they know everything like that... please, we're all here to learn, just let the poor lecturer finish her piece before you freaking disrupt the whole lesson for your own selfish sake!

anyway... hehehehehe... i love breakfast time xD !!! there's this tall tall ang moh who'll smile and say 'good morning' to me every morning... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... HE'S SO HANDSOME LA!!!!!!!!!!!!! wahahahahahahaha... i overheard his conversation with a girl this morning, he's from boston =X lol... how i wish to take a picture with him LOL!!! xD

signing off at 6.48pm london time!! ^^

Complained @ 1:48 AM

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Come people!!! Name the top 10 entries you would like to see posted!=)
Lack of things to bitch about liao~

Anyway... dont you hate going into a smelly toilet? i'd rather go into a wet and messy toilet then a clean but smelly one!

The worst is the wet smelly dirty one! YUCKS! and when u think that things cannot get any worst... there is a LONG queue and there is no toilet paper!

want worst? theres Blood in the bowl... or maye shit stains around! and u can see footprints on the seat itself!!!


ARRR~ how come people cannot pee properly? do they really do this at home as well? yikes**

Another thing is when u go into the toilet... its clean and nice smeeling with LOTS of toilet paper! after doing your business... you just want to wash your hands...


Groan! damn... first they hog the sink... Next they "DIAO" you when u tried to make them excuse for awhile so that u can wash your bloody hands!!! @*#%

ok... quite bad already rite? Theres more!!!

One girl doing her make up... 20 others surround her to watch and talk and block the sink!

arrrr!!!! KNNBCCB!!!! how do you every wash your hands?

its usually those in uniforms too! damn... dont tell me kids these days have nothing better to do but to hog the sink and makeup while chatting! @*#%

Damn... this sux! maybe we should all just lick our hands clean the next time!!!


Complained @ 5:52 PM