Tuesday, September 25, 2007
*╭╮ ╭╮ ╭╮ ││ ││ │└╮ ╭┴┴─┴Ⅲ╮~└─╯ │ ﹋ ﹋ │ ╭─────────╮ │ ∩ ∩ │ ╭╮ │☆中 秋 節 快 樂☆│ │ ▽ │O╰╯ ╰─────────╯ ╰─m∞m─╯ ╭╮☆╭╧╮╭╧╮╭╧╮╭╧╮╭╮☆〞 ╰幸╮║送│║來│║祝│║福│╰快╮ ☆╰福╘∞╛╘∞╛╘∞╛╘∞╛☆╰樂 讓開,讓開 ╭══╮ ╭╯ΘΘ ║ ╰⊙═⊙╯ 送月餅囉 中秋節快樂
八月十五! Do you know why we eat Mooncakes, Carry Lanterns and see the Moon on this special day? I know Joanne Does'nt know!!! WHOAHHAA~ (go one round shoot her)

Banana&AhSohCoLtd tells you Old Grandmother stories Today!!! =)
Eating Mooncakes!!!
Long Long time ago, before you were born, even before i was born, the Yuan dynasty was ruled by the Mongolian people. Leaders from the preceding Sung dynasty were unhappy at submitting to the foreign rule, and set how to coordinate the rebellion without being discovered. The leaders of the rebellion, knowing that the Moon Festival was drawing near, ordered the making of special cakes. Baked into each moon caked was a message with the outline of the attack. On the night of the Moon Festival, the rebels successfully attached and overthrew the government. Today cakes are eaten to commemorate this legend and was called the Moon Cake.
Lantern Festival
Long Long time ago, before you were born, even before i was born, in the early Han Dynasty, legend has it that Emperor Wu of Han had a dream of his palace being burned downed and felt that the dream was a bad omen. And so he asked his subjects in his imperial court for advice the next day. Some of the subjects took the opportunity to perform a good deed for the thousands of concubines and female servants in the imperial palace who were prohibited from going home by telling the emperor that the dream was indeed a bad omen and the palace would be burnt down to the ground by deities. In order to avoid impending disaster, each female resident in the imperial palace must carry a lantern and go home, thus fooling the deities in believing there was already a fire in palace and people were fleeing, and every one would return to the palace afterwards. The emperor agreed and of course, there was no fire at the palace and the emperor credited the supposedly successful aversion of the disastrous fire with what was done, and hence he decreed the event to become a regular festival.
Traditionally, the Lantern Festival is also used to serve as a day for love and matchmaking, on which an unmarried girl was traditionally permitted to appear in public unescorted and thus be seen by eligible bachelors. It was one of the few nights in ancient times without a strict curfew. Young people were chaperoned in the streets in hopes of finding love. Matchmakers acted busily in hopes of pairing couples. The brightest lanterns were symbolic of good luck and hope. As time has progressed, however, the festival no longer has such implications nowadays.
Other popular activities at this festival include and guessing lantern riddles, often messages of good fortune, family reunion, abundant harvest, prosperity and love.
Long Long time ago, before you were born, even before i was born, Chang-Er was working in the Jade Emperor's palace in heaven. One day, she accidentally broke a precious porcelain jar. It angered, the Jade Emperor banished her to live on earth, where ordinary people lived. She could only return to the Heaven, if she contributed a valuable service on earth.
Chang'e was transformed into a member of a poor farming family. When she was 18, a young hunter named Houyi from another village spotted her. They became friends.
One day, a strange phenomenon occurred -- 10 suns arose in the sky instead of one, blazing the earth. Houyi, an expert archer, stepped forward to try to save the earth. He successfully shot down nine of the suns, becoming an instant hero. He eventually became king and married Chang'e.
But Houyi grew to become a tyrant. He sought immortality by ordering an elixir be created to prolong his life. The elixir in the form of a single pill was almost ready when Chang'e came upon it and swallowed the pill. This angered King Houyi, who went after his wife. Trying to flee, she jumped out the window of a chamber at the top of palace -- and, instead of falling, she floated into the sky toward the moon.
King Houyi tried to shoot her down with arrows, but without success. Her companion, a rabbit, is constantly pounding the elixir of immortality in a large mortar. Meanwhile, King Houyi ascended to the sun and built a palace. So Chang'e and Houyi came to represent the yin and yang, the moon and the sun.
-------------The End-------------- PS: you know why is this entry in orange/yellow? Cos the moon is yellow!!! WHOAHAHHA~ Labels: Lantern, Mooncake festival + ChangEr
Complained @ 9:18 AM
Monday, September 24, 2007
Its been a long time since we took a BIG group photo with everyone!!!
Hopefully, We can do so one day!!!
Wondering if i should be in the photo, or sacrifice myself to do the glorious deed~
Whee~ sooo exciting! =)Labels: Group photo
Complained @ 9:42 AM
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Saw this in Yahoo news! =) I think its super funny!!! WHOAHAHAH~
A kid calls this policeman up to ask for help with his homework!!! (oo)
Now we know who to find! =) Labels: Help for Maths homework
Complained @ 3:44 PM
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
I feel as if i'm the most fortunate person on earth! There's just sooo many people around to pamper me!!! =)
Here i am going to show off!!! WHOAHAHHA~ <--dun care! make everyone jealous!!!
The 1st idiot cake of the year using Pockys as "candles" My actual cake! Its cake ok!!! Looks very real right? its actually jelly,bread and cake...
 My Favourite present of all time was from leslie!!! DIVING with the Lennys @ underwater world!!!
 Another surprise!!! Leslie's car boot!!!
 The hard work~
 The idiots that made the hard work!!! (oo) MADE OK!!! effort!!! =)
 I'm a "pro" skateboarder!!!
 Breast-feeding session!!! (oo) WHOAHHAHAHA!!! =)
And of cos... the lovely presents!!! =)
Sooo many exciting things happening in 1 day!!! Am i fortunate or what!!! =)Labels: Showing Off
Complained @ 9:33 AM
Monday, September 17, 2007
The wushu peeps have been watching 200 pound beauty together and raving on how pretty the lead actress is...
Happened to see XiaXue's blog and saw this entry about her~
原来 she used to be a normal plain jane...
Then she went for plastic surgery and...
She became such a perfect Sexy babe!!!
Damn... This is another example for the REAL "fake" people? (oo) Labels: 200 Pound Beauty
Complained @ 10:35 AM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
The guy sitting oppersite suddenly said in a sad voice "tomorrow my last day".
I was stunned! It was too sudden~
He's one of the nicest person around here... and the more talkative one... Why must he go! @*#%
I asked him... tomorrow really last day ar?
Then he said... ya lor... *silence** then he started laughing~
After that is fasting month cannot eat already la!!!
@*#% Nabeh... why did i listen to him~
 Better go flush my head in the toiletbowl~ @*#%
AH SOH!!! YOUR TURN TO UPDATE SOMETHING HERE!!! @#*% Labels: Fasting month
Complained @ 2:12 PM
Monday, September 10, 2007
I was doing the billings INNOCENTLY as usual, when i came across THIS~
OK... i was amused! Is it a too much of a coincidence or what? Actually i just saw the Brass Nipple and was thinking what stupid spare part was that... then i looked abit more and saw the Brass Cock!
Damn... i'm easily entertained~ Labels: Brass Nipple Brass Cock
Complained @ 9:07 AM
Friday, September 7, 2007
Do you know that Chinese Garden has a prawning area?
I just knew recently~ BUT I STILL DUNNO HOW TO GO THERE!!! @*#%
Its not very ex! They count by the hour and by rod!
1 rod is $13 per hour. Buy 2 hours, get 1 hour free!!! Means its $26 for 3 hours!!!
Quite ok la~ Especially if u share rod! <-- unless u are rich la~ (oo) But... you have to peel open the frozen clams and chop them up yourself!!! Then u have to hook the chopped clams to the rod~ If you are lucky enough to catch any prawns, you have to pluck out the prawns yourself! They dont bite, but they pinch!!! @*#%
The size of the prawn is another thing!!! Sometimes u get a BIG lobster that acts like a prawn... But most of the times u get the usual sized ones!!!
 After the 3 hours are up, u get to cook the life prawns on the spot!!! YUM~
Its a test of skill on whether u catch any prawns or a whole lot of prawns!!! I only caught 1 for the whole 3 hours!!! But some people can keep catchin prawn after prawn! <-- i think they cheated! @*#% ps: its better to go after midnight!!! =) Labels: Prawning
Complained @ 1:58 PM
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
This is a gentle reminder NOT TO COMPLAIN when u find wierd things in the food you ordered.
Its really MUCH better to quietly remove the strange objects in the food, then complaining and finding out what exactly was it~ Labels: Hair In Soup
Complained @ 9:55 AM
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Early morning log onto msn....
AlwAy PrePArE N ReAdDy !! yeo
AlwAy PrePArE N ReAdDy !! ytd i dream of u leh
AlwAy PrePArE N ReAdDy !! but bad deam
AlwAy PrePArE N ReAdDy !! lol
β@ѪŋÅ^_^ ---> I wanna SAIL!!! wth~
β@ѪŋÅ^_^ ---> I wanna SAIL!!! what dream?
AlwAy PrePArE N ReAdDy !! u die
β@ѪŋÅ^_^ ---> I wanna SAIL!!! kns
AlwAy PrePArE N ReAdDy !! den keep on vomites blood
β@ѪŋÅ^_^ ---> I wanna SAIL!!! nvm la~ died and revived already
AlwAy PrePArE N ReAdDy !! scarely ar.
AlwAy PrePArE N ReAdDy !! den in the malaysai hospital we cheong there n here to save u
β@ѪŋÅ^_^ ---> I wanna SAIL!!! whoa~
β@ѪŋÅ^_^ ---> I wanna SAIL!!! but i still died?
AlwAy PrePArE N ReAdDy !! er..
AlwAy PrePArE N ReAdDy !! don know the dream half way
AlwAy PrePArE N ReAdDy !! i think yesh ar..
AlwAy PrePArE N ReAdDy !! lol
AlwAy PrePArE N ReAdDy !! sad lo.
β@ѪŋÅ^_^ ---> I wanna SAIL!!! nvm la~
β@ѪŋÅ^_^ ---> I wanna SAIL!!! now still alive
AlwAy PrePArE N ReAdDy !! i know
β@ѪŋÅ^_^ ---> I wanna SAIL!!! hahaha
AlwAy PrePArE N ReAdDy !! scarely ar..
AlwAy PrePArE N ReAdDy !! lol...
AlwAy PrePArE N ReAdDy !! sian leh
β@ѪŋÅ^_^ ---> I wanna SAIL!!! choi~
Nahbeh~ is it a sign? Nowonder today got sore throat~ @#*% Maybe going to have throat cancer liao~ @*#% Labels: a sign
Complained @ 9:03 AM
Sunday, September 2, 2007
i don't understand why some people see their prides and egos more important than a simple apology. is 'sorry' the hardest word to say?
fuck you if you're like that.
Complained @ 10:24 PM