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Monday, December 31, 2007

Movie Review...


Movie Plot:

Singapore has spent a lifetime protecting treasures that have been lost to history. But when a secret from the past is uncovered, history will be re-written and Singapore's family name will be tarnished.

On a quest to restore our honour, The people must chase the truth behind the assassination of The Merlion. Our search leads us to uncover a mystery that can only be unraveled by the Nathan's Book of Secrets: a collection of documents containing the most vital national secrets.

Singaporeans must attempt the impossible, including kidnapping the President of the United States and breaking into Malaysia's water source, tracing the paths of forefathers in a race against time. Every clue leads one step closer to unlocking a mystery the world isn't ready to believe.

Beware... or the Merlion dies


Complained @ 9:29 AM

Sunday, December 30, 2007

talking abt food below is an interesting fact... maybe got tell some of u b4...

acupuncture can be done on FISHES too!!!

it's discovered by a jap, showing that acupuncture can put fish just into slp then sit plane and deliver to other places... the fishes are still alive thruout the flight journey.. eventually kanna killed at the restaurants then being serve to customer FRESH!

the video of the interview wif this jap guy(got video from www.stage6.com)-->

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Complained @ 1:36 AM

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Nobody loves me, everybody hates me, i'm gonna eat some

From left: Mealworm, Grasshopper, Bee Grubs

WHOAHAHAHA... I just love grossing people out...

Ate those in Thailand... (oo)

Loved the Grasshoppers most! Crunchy!
Mealworm was salty, and the Bee Grubs were soft and disgusting!!!



Complained @ 5:57 PM

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Mary had a little lamb,
Little lamb, little lamb,
Mary had a little lamb,
Its fleece was white as snow

And everywhere that Mary went,
Mary went, Mary went,
Everywhere that Mary went
The lamb was sure to go

umm... wat's Mary's last name(surname) then???

Merry Christmas!!!

Trust Santa Claus, afterall they'd undergo a series of trainings before they are qualified to deliver ur presents...

But rmb where he lives... He's gonna be homelsess if we are not protecting the Earth!!!

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Complained @ 6:09 PM

Saturday, December 22, 2007

umm... my boss(es) all away le!!!( all=2 only lolz...)
BIG BOSS--> she comes down occasionally cos she still got other 'business' to take care of...
the other one go thailand, i think for sex change ba... hope when she returns the animals wont have the following reactions...

an owl ???

wat abt a panda???
she was just peacefully eating when...

to baby panda:
pls sneeze gently next time...else later ur mum kanna heart attack lah...

lastly a monkey...


Complained @ 12:00 AM

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

just watched a tv show from axn channel... pretty lame one...


straightforward show where they had a man vs a beast in different categories... wonder wat do they get from the race... wasnt anywhere a fair race also... anyway i've managed to find the videos from youtube... enjoy :P
This episode:
EVENT: finish 50 hotdogs
World 大胃王, Kobayashi, VS Giant Kodiak Bear

大胃王 actually had a figure of a bodybuilder!!! seldom c Japaneses so muscular one...

EVENT: pull a DC-10 jet 24 yards...
44 Little Man VS Elephant

EVENT: tug-of-war...
Champion Sumo Wrestler VS Orang Utan

so cute when the orang utan shows its victory...

EVENT: sprint 100m
National Sprinter, Shawn Crawford VS Giraffe, then Zebra

mr zebra just win effortlessly...

EVENT: complete an military obstacle course
Navy Seal VS Chimp

the cnimp wasnt panting... wonder if it really know that it's in a race...


Complained @ 9:13 PM


OMG!!! It appears that HE has a secret son which he refuses to acknowledge in front of us And let him climb up and down... <--all the while acting strangers

He denied meeting others and kept saying that he came out on his own...

Nobody believed him of course...
Who would be sooo kwai to stand beside for sooo long refusing to leave his side...

Believe it or not... Your choice...


Complained @ 3:12 PM

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


For those noobs in make-up-ing...

Here's a chance to pay less while u trial and error in your own comfort @ your own bloody toilet...

At $16.90 only, you get :

  • 10 lip gloss
  • 7 lip stick
  • 19 eyeshadow
  • 6 eyecreme <--dunno whats that
  • 4 blusher
  • 1 mirror

Damn good bargain (forgot at guardian or watsons le)
Not sure if the quality is good or not... But its a good chance to brush up your skills and trial and error colors that may suit you more...

Use your own good good foundation for protection before trying to protect your precious delicate skin...

This is what happens when i was "Hiao-ing" in the toilet while shitting again...

Dont forget to use good eye and lip make-up remover after everything ok!!!


Complained @ 9:34 AM

Monday, December 17, 2007

How much does it cost to send:

  • 1 christmas card
  • 1 calander
  • 1 organiser

In Singapore?

Nobody in the office knows... and we cannot courier it cos the address is to a P.O Box number instead of the actual address...

In the end, i used the weighing machine, and agar agar digged out stamps to paste...
Was abit kiasu i know, but its better to be safe right?

Damn hope it goes through the mail smoothly~


Complained @ 10:51 AM

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Inside MSN,

Press alt, then press 22307,
Then Alt again with 35806
Then alt with 24555
And lastly alt 20048

4 lucky words will appear... what will it be? WHOAHHAHAHA

(i think it only works in MSN)


Anyone missed her?

Nah... i guessed not too... WHOAHHAHA
But i'm still going to show u how idiotic she is as before~ (oo)

This is when i said she became skinner... (-_-!!)

She learnt how to play the guitar, and tried to act cool and seduce me!

Her room is super messy~ (oo)

Turned off the webcam awhile, then when she turned it back on...
TA-DA!!! Changed hairstyle le~


Chipmunk cum Rapist with stroke

Her Lesraff?

Weather too hot... must air armpit...

Whoa... air armpit then all the flies come!!! HYUK!
"Kill them all with my fart" <--she says

Like i said... she's a rapist...

Rape le... will sweat... must air armpit again...

Continue raping...

Anyway... see her KNS shorts!!! Whoa Liao!!! @*#%


Complained @ 9:55 AM

Thursday, December 13, 2007

So its been abit late to congratulate those that ran the Marathon on 2 Dec 2007...
Especially Me, Leslie, Weng, Bin, Dieh... <--although i did'nt see Dieh...

Even saw my malay teacher... (oo)

i want to emphasize that this is not a easy task... Especially if its your first time doing SUCH a long distance...
The 1km marking seems further and further as your legs grow heavier and heavier...
The weather changed from cooling and shiok, to hot and sticky as you ran...
You can see the sky change from black black to blue blue to bright bright... all in one run...

Water was plenty... although all i wanted was cold 100+

Me and leslie finally finished the race at 7:20:23 hours later...

Its sooo nice of him to accompany me all the way... cos i know without him... i will be lying somewhere enjoying the view instead of torturing myself... (oo)

(ps: What's dieh's bib number? wanna kope his photos and post here too)

Got the shirt and medal ok!!! Proud hor...

Damn... i'm going to wear the t-shirt to show off as often as i can!!!
Anyone planning to run/walk next year together?


Complained @ 10:47 AM

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Today is our MAN MAN's (Meh Meh) Birthday!!!

Lets with her a Happy Birthday!!!

Hope she gets OLDER & OLDER & OLDER then become Old Man!!! (oo)



Complained @ 2:14 PM

lalala... another youtube video to share...

pro hair stylist...

worth learning for those encountering balding head...

Complained @ 12:06 AM

Monday, December 10, 2007

How to Save Papayas Falling from a tree...!!!












You think too hard........


Complained @ 1:51 PM

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Singapore Roads will NEVER be safe again...


Complained @ 5:54 PM

The Cockroach is taking her driving test today!

For your safety... please keep off the roads around 2.20-4.15 pm!
Especially around Bukit Batok Area!

Anyway... dunno if its true or not...
But its only for TODAY!!!

ps: The timing very idiotic... dont think i will get there in time! @*#%

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Complained @ 11:13 AM

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

more interesting video to share...

ever wonder how those sound effect are captured in a car tvc???

merge jolin's 特务J mv wif Resident Evil...

insurance seller=cockroach???

~hope u've enjoyed~

ps: feel free to have responses on whether this type suits u all or not...

Complained @ 12:56 AM