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![]() We are nice gentle innocent cute people!!!
To beat up assholes!
June 2007 |
Just what we need on a monday morning.... @*#% Labels: I Can Make You Yawn
Sai-Brother has donated a new set of sofa to the club!!! YAY!!! In the end, Jiao and Leslie had to go be coolies for the day cos its Jiao's father's lorry and Leslie's driving licence... (oo) Dunno why... shift shift shift, suddenly become clean clubhouse!!! The club is in a sad shape now... current members dont gather there during their free time and after classes anymore~ =( And to think that in the past, we would sit outside our old clubhouse waiting for someone with the key to open the door for us~ Had lots of stupid/fun memories in the club with the others!!! Wadever... clean/pack halfway we would see some fermiliar items and go "想当年" then continue cleaning/packing... Lots of useless items in there collecting dust now... throw lots of things... Throw throw throw, never imagine that we can throw a WHOLE lorry full of stuff!!! ![]() (the green pail is thrown cos sai-brother lazy to wash) Happy with the clean state of the club... decorated the whiteboard!!! ![]() 4 idiots that spent the whole sunday cleaning!!! ![]() Really hope that the current members would gather at the club like how we used to! =) Labels: Clean Clubhouse
This describes ME perfectly at office~
Labels: my name is tan hong ming, Office
ntu student affairs office's intention to convert the current double-room hostel to a triple-room has been a hot, ongoing topic since sem break (ned of last yr) or even b4 that... a couple of days ago news even have reports on that.. Labels: heal the world, ntu triple room, 不值得
Our Wushu Grad Night 2008 can be considered a success... Of course, thanks to these 2 siao zhar bor hosts ![]() More alumnis then juniors turned up... even the old old old ones... ![]() SOOO EXCITING!!! =) Even the seldom appeared JiaMing and the suddenly look very handsome leslie ![]() See already of course will be happy! <--GAY!!! ![]() Poor Alex kenna sabo-ed again (as usual) cos he came did'nt follow the dress code ![]() Small eugene has a great excuse cos he's booking in, but still kenna punished~ ![]() of course cannot forget our video camera man for the night!!! ![]() and for once, FANG-er WORE DRESS!!! ![]() Fang acting sexy with her dress ![]() Erm... NVM~ ![]() (its her PE shorts la~ @*#% ) Our $10 dinner~ ![]() Alex kenna sabo-ed again ![]() The graduating members ![]() EVERYONE!!! <--thats left at the end~ ![]() Acting cute... with our awards~ WHOAHAHHA ![]() lalala~ ![]() The future of SP Wushu Club depends on them~ ![]() Sai-Brother got the smelliest ass ![]() Man loves me!!! ![]() Jiao's dress strap broke so she changed into fang's clothes~ WHOAHHAHA ![]() Idiots doing illegal stuff~ ![]() damn... suddenly i feel so old... this is the dunno how many grad night i've been to after graduating~ @*#% Labels: Wushu Grad Night 2008
Our dear Fang-Er is becoming a LADY soon!!! Every imagine her in a dress?
Wasted too glam and ex already... if not she looks really nice!!! =) This one cannot make it!!! Wear tombalek also dunno~ (oo) She even tried high heels ok!!! wasted dont have size for her small feet~ Labels: Fang Dress
Joanne bought these straws thing just because she was facinated by it... Open the pack and you can find 5 individual packed straws with the flavourings inside... You are supposed to dip in into a cup of plain flavoured milk, and suck slowly!!! GO TRY!!! _______________________________________ Nabeh... why am i watching youtube in the office~ @*#% Weng!!! Can you do a video like this? WHOAHHAHA~ Damn pro la... Just dont sing~ (oo) Labels: Flavouring for milk, TubeDeeDo
real complain... pissed of wif china's chinese (CC)... pardon for my nationalism...got this rare chance to do proj presentation wif them... assignment criteria= 4 person 1 grp... abt 5mins/person... we discussed the topic liao... so went home individual to do out slides of each person due to SSSOME pple have lessons till SOOO late... wth last day gimme stunts!!! 1 person 20+ ppt slides wif SOOO many which she CLAIMED to be supposedly important main pts.. at 1st tot is 2 of them total 20 leh which i already think too much liao... 1st round: another member in my grp, supposedly more peaceful person than me, went to 'bargain' wif this CC.. too bad she did not manage to win as CC is too dominating liao.. so baton passed to me... 2nd round: haha... i dun give any chance for her to ans... i type short short enter, type short short enter fast... "5-10 per person.. actually 10 is more than enuff le... average 1slide: 1 min from my experience... so pls shorten urs..." kns... she go edit mine! wth... after that i msn her "this is my part... i m very happy wif it liao... i have done all the necessary animations for mine do not change anything except template... thanks for ur cooperation... anyway urs is still too long in my opinion...u go time ur slides wif ur prepared speech tell me the timing NOW... sure over..." dunno she really got do or not lah... chao gein say 4:50+ mins for 15 slides.. pro liao lor... excuse me mdm... quatity not equals to quality... 3rd round: morning was actually meet up to do rehearsal lor... they arrived late cos wanna attend lectures... then they haven memorise their script... in the end nth done... pls lah.. meet up to c the memorising process of 2 of u meh?? final round: 1st bullet-->L:"is the whole video necessary, can i skip that?", CC:"sry all is important," 2nd bullet-->L:*tap her table*(hinting 5 min's up) CC:"sry, soon"(she was only a little more than halfway there...) 3rd bullet-->L:*tap her hp* she bobian have to skip her remaining slides...lalala 4th bullet--> L:*tap her table*(hinting 5 min's up) CC2: (she was not even halfway there...) 5th bullet--> L:*tap her hp* CC2: she dares to ignore the lecturer n cont.... 6th bullet--> L:*tap her hp harder* CC2: "ok...going to finish soon" finally finished think each took at least 7mins according to my other partner...therefore conclusion not a wise choice to work wif CC for proj eg. presentation.. also not only s'porean is kiasu but also CC
I This time it's Good Friday! Good Friday, the Friday before Easter, commemorates the Passion and Death of their Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross. No Mass is celebrated on Good Friday; instead, the Church celebrates a special liturgy in which the account of the Passion according to the Gospel of John is read, a series of intercessory prayers , and the faithful venerate the Cross by coming forward and kissing it. The liturgy concludes with the distribution of Holy Communion. Since there was no Mass Hosts that were reserved from the Mass of the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday are distributed instead. Good Friday is a day of strict fast and abstinence. Since the date of Good Friday is dependent on the date of Easter, it changes from year to year. Why am i writing this? The reason is that... I LOVE HOLIDAYS!!! And Everything is good when there is a HOLIDAY!!! <--The End ----------------------------------- When life gives you lemons... Eat It! (oo) Labels: Good Friday, Lemons
lalala... The things people manage to come out with... 七仔!!! *faints** ___________________________________________ Labels: Sissors Paper Stone, 七仔
it's lunch time... hungry but no $$ :( umm... wat to eat??
Was happily going to Clementi for my usual dose of bubble tea when i saw... Even Macdonald had that sign pasted on the door and the signboard was already taken down~ =( The worst is when i saw... ARRRR!!! our usual hangout place after training!!! Some things must never change!!! =( Its part of our memories!!! Somewhere we always talk cok and gossip!!! Somewhere that we had fun at! Where will we eat at next time? Its the only place with direct train and buses from SP!!! Damn... i hate developments!!! @*#% Labels: Clementi
Finally, an effortless form of exercise! (For those with balls...) This is to show you how you can get your heart rate up to 180 beats per minutes without actually breaking a sweat! "Who wants to volunteer for my experiment?" Labels: He Has BALLS
hip hop singer, enka songs... any link?? yes! Labels: enka, hiphop, jero, umiyuki
I've always known that Shuqun people are super guai lan... Labels: Guai Lan
rmbed i posted a video on thai insurance quite sometime ago... saying insurance agent=cockroach...
think the thais are creative in trying to hook the tv audience into getting an insurance... they dun mention anything wrt $$ but humanity... got somemore here...hope ya enjoy:)
Every Seen Fang-er in Labels: Band Performance
Ok... so what if i'm U like it so admit it!!! WHOAHHAHAHA~ @ Weng's house... Rat year must sayang "Rat" imitation to HUAT at mahjong~~~ @ My house... Serious people do serious things at serious house~ @ HanBin's house... Siao... To Quote what Jerry would say of the outing would be... ORGASM!!! WHOAHAHAHA~ Labels: CNY 2008