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![]() We are nice gentle innocent cute people!!!
To beat up assholes!
June 2007 |
A normal day of MSN-ing goes like this... Blue - Some idiot called digimonz Purple - Some pretty girl called BaNanA^_^ ------------------------------------- -_- ur pic is freaking lame romantic ok go die buyaolian! he says :" nah!! give you lie on my shoulders" then i say :"dun want" then he pull ur head down right sigh.. rain is so.... then he :" come or i whack you/" no taste.. =x hahahah! HANDSOME his small eyes whee no i say he has no taste to ask u lie on his shoulders lmao :P out off SOOO many girls, he force *FORCE** me ok~ nooo there were 3 girls.. ruhua, some 150kg woman.. and juliana u got chose :/ ALOT ok like fann, zoe, some models... he choose ME ME... some more i say dont want but he says:" COME HERE! WHACK YOU!!!" then i bo pien go lolz u should protect ur modesty kenna forced one ok u should fight back shoulder only ma since u know kungfu then the body guard so fierce use gun point at me no choice u punch his face la.. since its just a BODY guard =x bo pien see my hand pushing him away saying :"dont want dont want" but his arms grab me he got shave his armpit?? he wear shirt how i know lolz cut 1 hole there la xD his armpit smells nice though -.- Labels: Msn Conversation - Rain
不怕一万,只怕万一 is wat the tv commercial below is abt... the probability of 0.0000001% :) Labels: bangkok tvc, insurance
One find day i was happily sitting on the toilet bowl shitting... Shit shit shit... SUDDENLY!!! Looked into the mirror and panicked! WTF is wrong with my lips!!! Why the sudden swell in such a short time!!! OMG~ Told my sis that i had bird flu as the mouth looked like a bird beak... (oo) Went to see the doctor the next day cos i'm scared!!! Although the swelling went down by alot, i still look damn ugly... Went to the Raffles Medical at Jurong east (company doctor)... The stupid bitch refused to give me MC!!! @*#% Her words were :"you seem very healthy, can work, only abit..." Me:" ugly?" Her:"ya" KNN!!! I think she's jealous that with my swelling mouth, i think its because i look MUCH sexier then her when she was young~ *hurmph** She said its probably food allergy, most prob what i ate the day b4... when i wanted to tell her what i ate, She said :"it varies from individual! you have to find out yourself" NABEH!!! nv met such an UNCARING doctor before@*#% But... i ate very normal things!!! AngGuKway, IpohHorFan, RicolaSweet, KFC, ChickenKebab, GreenBeanSoup, GreenTea, PlainWater... Perfectly normal! Maybe its the RedTortoiseKway... WHOAHAHAHHA~ The bitch gave me some anti-swell tablets... 3 tablet for 3 times a day~ (trying to choke me with pills), Some cream to put as often as i can, as much as i want~ @*#% People for nothing also can get 2 days MC!!! What she gave was some bloody time-sheet to compensate for my waiting since 9+am... Time left? 1130am.... GodDamnIt@*#% Labels: Sexy Lips
rather astonishing news when i 1st read it on newspaper recently... so decided to extracted it out from e-newspaper n share wif all of u... warning: very long article...*********************************************************************************************** --Headline-- And the Asian beauty defiantly claims that selling her body for up to £1,000 a time provides her with a far more glamorous life than she ever dreamt of when she went to Oxford University aged just 13. "My clients love the fact that I can stimulate their minds and their bodies," she boasts in a shockingly frank interview with the News of the World. "And I don't believe my education has been wasted—in fact I usually take problem sheets with me to solve before appointments." Sufiah decided to confess all after we revealed how the former child prodigy was working as a £130-an-hour prostitute while studying for a masters in economics. It is the latest heartbreaking twist to a life that seemed so full of promise—but went tragically wrong when she cracked under the pressure of her bullying father's cruel academic regime and fled university at 15. Eight years on, he is now in jail for sexually assaulting two girl pupils and Sufiah has somehow convinced herself that her seedy new career is the answer to all her problems. "People think escorting is sleazy and terrible but I don't see it like that," she says. "I've always had a high sex drive—and now I'm getting all the sex I want—and guys are much better in bed with an escort than a girlfriend. "I have men who are thrilled about my passion for mathematics. In fact one made me recite equations while he pleasured me, then I gave him oral sex while he chatted about algebra. It drove him wild." And brainbox Sufiah has worked out that subtracting your respectability to become a prostitute can equal big money. "I have a nice life and I am in control," she says. "I hate this stereotype society has of escorts being exploited. It is so far from the truth. "My clients treat me like a princess. One guy I see in She chose a £600 Gucci clutch. "I'm a Primark and Topshop girl normally! I felt like Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. "Later that night we went for dinner. I wore my Gucci dress and sexy lingerie and took great pleasure in peeling it off for him later on back at his hotel." Sufiah was working as an administrative assistant earning £ 16,000 a year in And she was still haunted by her hellish childhood—subjected to her father Farooq's Accelerated Learning Technique where she studied maths day in day out in rooms kept freezing cold to improve her concentration. So the big rewards the agency boss promised seemed more than tempting. "I have studied so intensely for so many years I wanted to have fun," she says. She can't see the sordid side of prostitution—and instead likens herself to Belle De Jour—the saucy hooker played by Billie Piper in the TV drama. "I'd read Belle De Jour's Diary of a "I went home, researched agencies on the internet and found one I thought looked professional. I sent them photographs and they put me on their site." A couple of days later Sufiah was offered her first client. She recalls: "I felt quite nervous but excited too. I slipped on some black lace underwear and stockings and suspenders and a dress, and just though, ‘Wow, this is thrilling.' "He was waiting for me at the bar of the Hilton. I expected him to be older but when I saw him he was lovely. "He was only in his late 20s, tall and handsome. I thought, ‘I can't believe I'm getting paid to have sex with this man.' "I'd have been thrilled if he chatted me up in a bar. We had a drink then went upstairs to his room and had fantastic sex. I left that night feeling totally elated having had an amazing time with £250 in my purse." Since then, she has built up a base of regular rich clients and sees between five and ten men each week. Her sugar daddies have treated her to fabulous clothes, designer bags, trips on yachts and even helicopter rides. Sufiah, whose interview can be seen on video at notw.co.uk, brags that she can earn more than £1,000 in a night by having diner with a client and staying over. "It's like they want to rescue me. One man asked me how much I earned a year. I said £60,000. He told me, ‘I'll pay that amount straight into your bank and buy you a flat and you can be my mistress.' "But I don't want that because I'm happy doing what I do. Now I wonder if I could go back to a normal relationship, where you watch EastEnders and have boring sex. I've got used to being treated like a princess." It is as if she has run away from reality—just as she ran away from university and her father's dominance at 15. Sufiah becomes solemn and subdued when she talks of her upbringing. "As I grew older I began to clash with my father," she says. "He was violent on occasions. Because he pushed me so far academically, I became more confident for a girl of my age. I grew up too quickly. "From 11, I was studying maths all the time. I didn't have any friends. I wasn't in the Brownies. My father said they didn't teach Muslim values. I hardly ever played with other children." She passed her maths A level aged 12 and started at St Hilda's College, Sufiah sparked a two week nationwide police hunt when she ran away instead of going home at the end of term, saying she'd "had enough of 15 years of physical and emotional abuse". Her father claimed she had been kidnapped and brainwashed by members of a socialist organisation. But now, speaking about it for the first time, Sufiah says: "I couldn't bear the thought of going home so I ran away. I'd saved up £200 and found a hostel in When she was found in an internet cafe, Sufiah refused to go home and was placed in foster care by Her 50-year-old father is now in jail for 18 months after being convicted of sexually assaulting two 15-year-old girls he taught at his home in When Sufiah reached 18 she returned to "At the time I thought we would be together forever, but we married too young and grew apart," she says. After the split she moved back to "I still enjoy learning and I find it puts me in the right frame of mind for an intelligent conversation with my clients." But she admits not all her sexual encounters work out. "At the end of the day you don't have to sleep with a client if you don't want to. I've done that twice now. Both men were young and very nervous. I just left. "The dullest client I've ever had was a rich man who talked about cars all night. It was really, really boring." Sufiah is well aware she could easily find a job in the City where she could match her £60,000 a year sex earnings. But she said: "I don't want to take anything away from people who do jobs like that but it's not for me. I have a nice life. I don't want for anything." Her mother Halimahton is now divorcing jailed Farooq and is desperate for her daughter to get in touch with her. "I was shaking when I found out what had become of her," she says. But talking about her bitter split with her parents, Sufiah says: "I would describe our relationship as estranged. "I have contact with them occasionally but I couldn't speculate on what they will make of my new life. "I don't have any regrets. I've never felt more confident about my body and I've had some of the best sex of my life."
************************************************************************************************ wat is ur opinion on her??? did she really manage to get out???
extracted from: http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/0604_hooker.shtml Labels: Help for Maths, sufiah yusof
wat did we do when we were in our mum's womb??? Labels: driving
I GOT A PSP!!! Nananepoopoo!!! WHOAHAHHAA~
Idiot leslie psycoed me to buy one after he got his Red... Liked red, but did'nt want to be the same as him... And, i bought the PSP just because of 1 bloody game... PATAPON!!! @*#% Bought mine at AMK hub! $392... <--4gb memory card included and its SPECIAL color!!! Thats why more expensive~ (oo) My mint green PSP!!! (it looks blue i know) My Damn nice wallpaper with matching theme!!! Of course, cannot expect me to keep my psp in default mode... After few days, it morphed into... WHOAHHAHAA!!! DAMN BLOODY NICE!!! Now... anyone knows how to zng Pokemon into PSP? Labels: PSP
Bored??? Go do some quiz... http://dna.imagini.net/friends/ Interested in my result? WHOHAHAHAA http://friends.imagini.net/@2428585-31af Labels: Quiz
harlow!! long time no see! hehe... nothing much to update, except for jokes =P Condom says to Kotex,
'When you work, I lose seven days of business.' Kotex replies, 'If you fail to work once, my business stops for nine months!' ============================ A camel and an elephant met, and the elephant asked: 'Why do you have your tits on your back?' The camel responded: 'What a silly question from someone who has a dick on his face!' =============================== A black guy and a white girl met at a nite club. She took him to her apartment and said: 'tie me to the bed and do what black men do best!' so he ran off with the TV and VCD... =============================== Wife: 'I wish I were a newspaper, so you can hold me every morning!' Husband: 'I wish you're a newspaper TOO, my dear so I can have a NEW ONE every morning! =========================== A Chinese couple got married. When baby was born, her eyes were big and blue, hair was curly and blonde, skin was brown. Finally, name of the baby was SAM TING LONG ('some thing wrong') ============================= A lady visited her doctor one morning. Doc said: 'You look so weak and exhausted! Are you eating your meals 3 times a day as I advised? Lady : 'Doc, I thought you said 3 males a day!' ============================ Phone rings and maid picks up the phone as her master is bathing..... When the caller asked what's he doing, the maid Replied: 'MASTURBATING.'(master bathing) ======================================= A customer went to snack bar and ordered a hamburger. When 20 minutes had gone and his food hadn't arrived, the irritated customer asked the waiter. Customer: Will my hamburger be long? Waiter: No, sir...it will be round. ****************************************************** Diner: Waiter, look at this chicken, nothing but skin and bones. Waiter: What else do u want, feathers? Diner: I can't eat such a rotten chicken. Call the manager! Waiter: It's no use. He won't eat it either. Diner: You'll drive me to my grave! Waiter: Well, you don't expect to walk there, do you? ****************************************************** Customer : Waiter, do you serve crabs? Waiter : Sit down, sir,we serve anyone. ****************************************************** Customer : Waiter, is this a lamb chop or pork chop? Waiter : Can't you tell the difference by taste? Customer : No, I can't. Waiter : Then does it really matter? ****************************************************** Customer : Waiter, there's a dead beetle in my soup. Waiter : Yes Sir, they are not very good swimmers. ****************************************************** Customer : Waiter, there's a fly in my soup. Waiter : That's all right, Sir, he won't drink much. ****************************************************** Customer : Waiter, there's a fly swimming in my soup. Waiter : So what do you expect me to do, call a lifeguard? ****************************************************** Customer : Waiter, what's the meaning of this fly in my tea cup? Waiter : I wouldn't know, Sir, I'm a waiter, not a fortune teller. ****************************************************** Customer : Waiter, this soup tastes funny. Waiter : Funny? But why aren't you laughing? ****************************************************** Waiter : I've stewed liver, boiled tongue and frog's leg. Customer : Don't tell me your problems. Give the menu card. ****************************************************** Ben: These ice-cream are too expensive John: Stop complaining and pay with a smile. Ben: I wish I could but the man insists on cash! ****************************************************** Almost bald man: Why do u always charge me double? You ought to charge me cheaper for I don't have much hair! Barber: No, no! We don't charge for cutting the hair! We charge for having to search for it! ****************************************************** New prisoner comes to prison cell. Convicts: What has happened with you that you are here? Prisoner: I have broken a window on my job place. Convicts: It's unbelievable! Where did you work? Prisoner: On a submarine. ****************************************************** Son : Daddy, have you ever been to Egypt? Father : No. Why do you ask that? Son : Well, where did you get mummy then? ****************************************************** Lady: Is this my train? Station Master: No, it belongs to the Railway Company. Lady: Don't try to be funny. I mean to ask if I can take this train to Kuala Lumpur. Station Master: No Madam, I'm afraid it's too heavy. ****************************************************** Peter: What a pair of strange socks you are wearing, one is green and one is blue with red spots! Kirk: Yes it's really strange. I' ve got another pair of the same at home. ****************************************************** Teacher: Peter, why are you late for school again? Peter: Well, Miss, I dreamed that I was playing football and the game went into extra time. ****************************************************** Wife: Do you want dinner? Husband: Sure, what are my choices? Wife: Yes and no. ****************************************************** First Guy (proudly): 'My wife's an angel!' Second Guy: 'You're fortunate, mine's still alive.' ****************************************************** The girl asked her lover, 'Darling, if we get engaged will you give me a ring?' 'Sure,' replied her lover 'What's your phone number?' ****************************************************** A drunkard was brought to court. Just before the trial there was a commotion in the gallery. The judge pounded the gravel on his table and shouted, 'Order, order.' The drunkard immediately responded, 'Thank you, your honour, I'll have a scotch and soda.' ***************************************************** Customer: If I post this letter tonight, will it get to Penang in two days time? Post Master: Well it might do. Customer: I bet you, it won't. Post Master: Why not? Customer: It's addressed to Johor. ***************************************************** An absent-minded man went to see a psychiatrist. 'My trouble is,' he said, 'that I keepforgetting things.' 'How long has this been going on?' asked the psychiatrist. 'How long has what been going on?' said the man. ***************************************************** Girl : Do you love me? Boy : Yes Dear. Girl : Would you die for me? Boy : No, mine is undying love. ***************************************************** 1st thief : Oh ! The police is here. Quick! Jump out of the window! 2nd thief : But this is the 13th floor. 1st thief : Hurry! this is no time for superstitions. ***************************************************** Man : How old is your father? Boy : As old as me. Man : How can that be? Boy : He became a father only when I was born. ***************************************************** Teacher : Correct the sentence, 'A bull and a cow is grazing in the field' Student : A cow and a bull is grazing in the field Teacher : How? Student : Ladies first. ***************************************************** Little Susie came running into the house after school one day, shouting, 'Daddy! Daddy! I got a 100 in school today!' 'That's great, Sweetheart,' said her daddy. 'Come in to the living room and tell me about it.' 'Well,' began the confession, 'I got 50 in spelling, 30 in maths and 20 in science.' ***************************************************** Man : Where are you from? Woman : U.S.A Man : Are you here on vacation? Woman : No lah! I'm here for lunch. Man : What!!! All the way from United States of America!!! Woman : No lah! Upper Serangoon Avenue. Man : !!@#$% ****************************************************** Two young boys were having their morning breakfast, consist of hot chocolate and cereal. As they almost finish their meal, the younger of the two headed for their aquarium, his hand full of cereal. Just before he feed the turtles and the fish, h is mother came into the room. 'Don't do it, Kamal',she said.'They'll die.' The boy's face turned pale and threw his mother a desperate look, 'Then why did you give it to us?'
my sis was doing her assignment abt dreams... got some interesting facts... so tot of sharing wif u all... enjoy:) 4. Everybody dreams... when u dun rmb 5. Dreams r indispensable. A lack of dream activity can mean protein deficiency or a personality disorder!!! (nv tot got so serious not to dream...) 7. Blind people do dream!! 12. Dreamers who are awakened right after REM sleep, are able to recall their dreams more vividly than those who slept through the night until morning. Labels: dreams facts
usage of QR-code is getting wider... barcode scan wif hp...
from newspaper... to website... to anything i think... even tombstone also got wor!!! this is QR-code of our website:) everything high tech, even ching ming festival also got... the jap had already had this facility patented... watch this...:) just wondering, good or bad wif this??
nice one:) attempt to cheat pple, in the end kanna cheated too hahaha...
Super creative!!! =) Labels: Naughty Baby Piano
Labels: Chocolates 2008, jeeja, tony jaa
'May I know your name?..' Labels: Batman Bin Suparman, Spider on Drugs
How to peel banana!!! (oo) Labels: how to peel banana
Gary my dearest son... You are flying to England for more then 2 weeks on your own... Mummy (me) is worried that you will miss Chinese food... Just in case you miss the food, your nice gentle caring mom is going to treat you to your FAVOURITE roasted DUCK rice!!! Its a whole roasted duck ok!!! Have a happy trip ok!!! WHOAHHAHAA ps: Try not to scare people on the same flight with you later with your Lanjiaobin!!! Labels: Gary Flying
Ok... that was a not funny april fool joke... Labels: $$$, BristleBolt
A Special Announcement By Banana & Ahsoh Pte Ltd (+fang-er) ... We 3 spoke to each other last night. All of us felt that constantly finding entertaining things to update was taking too much time away from us. Ultimately, We need to decide what is important in life. And we decided to focus more on our career/school/family for now. Too much time was spent decorating our site, surfing for entertainments to share, viewing stupid youtube videos so that we can constantly entertain you all with funny shit out there... But... not many seems to appreciate our efforts! We were oftened soured for being too bo-liao, eating too much snake, nothing better to do, not funny... blah blah... We therefore announce that www.bananaahsoh.blogspot.com will be stopped forever. Blogging was fun, but it has lost it's meaning. Ultimately, there are things more important than updating a website. It's time we do all the things we want to do in life before we lose the opportunity to do so. A big thank you to everyone who has supported us throughout the months. Wait, what's today's date again? Labels: April Fool