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Monday, September 29, 2008

A Woman comes home and tells her husband,

'Remember those headaches I've been having all these years? Well, they're gone.'

'No more headaches?' the husband asks,

'What happened?'

His wife replies,' Margie referred me to a hypnotist.

He told me to stand in front of a mirror, stare at myself and repeat

I do not have a headache;
I do not have a headache,
I do not have a headache.'

It worked!

The headaches are all gone.'

Well, that is wonderful.'

His wife then says,

'You know, you haven't been exactly a ball of fire in the bedroom these last few years.

Why don't you go see the hypnotist and see if he can do anything for that?'

The husband agrees to try it.

Following his appointment, the husband comes home, rips off his clothes, picks up his wife and carries her into the bedroom.

He puts her on the bed and says,

'Don't move, I'll be right back.'

He goes into the bathroom and comes back a few minutes later and jumps into bed and makes passionate love to his wife like never before.

His wife says, 'Boy, that was wonderful!'

The husband says,

'Don't move! I will be right back.'

He goes back into the bathroom, comes back and round two was even better than the first time.

The wife sits up and her head is spinning.

Her husband again says,

'Don't move, I'll be right back.'

With that, he goes back in the bathroom.

This time, his wife quietly follows him and there, in the bathroom, she sees him standing at the mirror and saying,

She's not my wife.

She's not my wife.

She's not my wife!'

His funeral service will be held on Saturday


Complained @ 9:49 AM

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Freebies~ =)

To get free sample sized samples, you can try this!


The only catch is that u just need to pay for the postage... lalala
(I've applied for the BB cream and postage is $0.80)

Its good if you wanna try something new and somehow feels that the product is too expensive if you did'nt know if it really works or not...

Can try before you buy =)


Complained @ 10:40 AM

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Had the best prawns last sunday with Leslie's parents...


Nonono... not that kind of cooked drunken...
but RAW drunken...

(it was served to us LIVE)

First they take the prawns, soak them in alcohol, wait for them to get drunk and stop jumping, then take them, peel them, dip them in wasabi+soya sauce, open your mouth, bite, crew, swallow... YUM!

I just had to wait for them to stop moving completely before peeling off the head... you should see leslie's parents sucking the prawn with the legs still moving...


Complained @ 9:43 AM

Monday, September 22, 2008

Was reading my neighbour's blog's tagbox and was stunned on how primary school kids behave these days...
I see such a bright future for Singapore in the near future... @*#%

Example: Jealous of other's happiness...

your senior: walao show off lah you. Hamster $121 big deal ah? So Dog-Tired... that's becos your a dog. no no, your a bi`tch. Fcuk off.

your senior: i bet youll kill your hamster before it lives to see someone else other than you.
Example: Trying to act as if their english is perfect...

BaNanA^_^: "Your senior"... if you are so brave, just put your real name instead of backstabbing... you are just jealous of her... and if you hate her so much, why bothering to come over to her blog?

your senior: ya im a coward and you stupid or dumb? if im backstabbing, i would be her friend. friends can backstab enemies. Im so totally not her friend, you bimbo.

your senior: and why the fck do i have to be jealous of a BOB? (if amelia read this I bet she would have guessed who I am by now, betrayer)

BaNanA^_^: if you hate her so much, why bother to come and keep checking for updates from her? its either you are insecure or just too free and jealous.... gosh... pity you... (-_-!!)

some guy: but what the heck i agree with her saying that if you're not a friend, it's not considered backstabbing
Example: Coward...

amelia's parents: This matter has been getting out of hand, if you think that amelia is still making a nuisance in front of you, i shall go down to the school and see the principal.

(: graduated senior: and heyho! We're not trying to cause a fuss here. It's not fair is it, my friend ISN'T fighting fairly with you guys. You have more than one person against her.

(: graduated senior: I don't care which problem she has with Amelia or whoever, but if more than one person tries and takes a jab, you're not doing justice.

(: graduated senior: OH and yes, if you DO want to come to the school and trash it out, I can always show them that Amelia trashed one of the teachers on her blog too (: which, is a crime as it is(:

(: graduated senior: post dated September 8th 2008(: screenshot's been taken.

(: graduated senior: I don't wanna have anything else to do with this, seeing it's a waste of time. And no, HAH. Don't go telling people "omg she's scared already!" I don't think it's worth the time to come here and tag

(: graduated senior: this is not in any way referring to Amelia nor her parents, thank you and good day.
Example: Acting smart...

(: graduated senior: haha Fiona, I think you should get the book 'ENGLISH FOR DUMMIES' (; and naw Banana, I don't read her posts(:

Aaron: seriously IB is no big deal.. even a fool knows you can't use shortform in exams... Come and tag again when you are like pursuing ur degree or something.. taking IB in an international school because you can't get into a local school for a A level cert? LOL

some guy: and fiona, it's just a typo error. however, your english is like 'BAM!!' it's worse than your senior's..

(: graduated senior: HAHAHA so you're challenging me now is that it? FYI, I am taking the IB programme in an international school. And no, sorry dear. I'd rather IB because I'd like a better chance in entering the Ivy Leagues in the USA.(:
haha IB? No big deal? The amount of MONEY, time and EFFORT being put into the programme and the funding of the school itself is by far much more than any effort put in for A Levels thank you VERY much
Example: acting rich...

(: graduated senior: money is nothing, but don't come telling me IB is no big deal. are YOU in IB? Are you? Comment on it if you actually are thanks.
oh and by the way. It's not that I can't get into a local school. HAVE YOU SEEN ACS(I)'s standards for getting into their IB programme? I guess you haven't/.

Honestly, i feel that although kids these days may be smart with high IQ, but they have extremely low EQ...

When i was in primary school, EVERYONE will be playing together and having fun... quarrels would be resolved in minutes and in the worst cases, you go home after school, get angry, sleep, and be friends again the next day...

Damn... what went wrong?


Complained @ 9:43 AM

Friday, September 19, 2008

Came across this website sometime ago~


I think Fang will love this~

Carboon(last time) will love this




Now the problem is how to get singapore to get t-shirts from this brand over so that we can save on shipping!!! @*#%


Complained @ 11:32 AM

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Its those "Who wants to be a Millionaire" show...

I feel like slapping her...


Complained @ 2:59 PM

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

One fine day, saw this in our forum...

4 idiots felt that they have nothing better to do, so they agreed...

First we kenna poked...

Then we kenna sucked...

3 people full of blood...

Waiting for one person with slow blood...

REALLY VERY LONG LOR!!! Instant Orh Cheah~

The person an-lien me...

Act cute... Sooo old le still put dinosaur~

Refreshments after the massive loss of blood!!! WHOAHAHAHA

Yay!!! we survived=)

Complained @ 11:28 AM

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Copied this directly from the site:


WTF is this! It’s like every single thing people also can bet, who’s the first to kick the ball also can bet, who will be kicked out in Olympics also can bet… Ok lah if you have reached Donald Trump’s status perhaps nobody will question your ability to bet but come on, if you have 6 kids in your house to feed, and you barely earn 1K per month… Who the fuck says you can bet?

I don’t have issues with people gambling or betting, really it’s none of my business. But it’s my business if someone borrows money from my family members and they cannot afford to pay and YET they start giving us the attitude. Fuck you and your attitude!

When you borrow money from us, you were there begging and crying, digging stories to tell, sometimes imaginary one, suddenly this kid met with an accident, suddenly your landlord wants to collect money from you already, suddenly your uncle wanna cut ties with you if you cannot borrow money to him. How come all these incidents happen altogether at the same time?

So you say “Lend me first please, I will return you next month when I got my salary.“, in these period, I’m sure we as your friends will not bug you but when next month arrived, isn’t it reasonable for us to give you a friendly reminder that you owe us the money? And what do you say to us?

Now I don’t have money, I have a life, you all want you take

What kind of fucking statement is that? Trade your rotten life with the amount of money you owe us? Sorry hor, if you go and sell your body in Love Lane, not sure you can even earn 20 bucks per month so don’t open your god damn mouth and offer your life. Talk so big to us because you know we are civilized people and we don’t use violent, let’s change the scenario, say today we are a bunch of loan sharks, are you sure you are brave enough to say this?

And if the loan sharks start helping you to paint your house in red, why the fuck do you have to make so much noise? Police la, MCA la, DAP la, Press la, what for? You and your big mouth should deserve shit like this one. How to go and sympathize you? You said you only got a life, people paint your house in red haven’t given you physical injury to you what for you make so much noise?

That’s why, you want to borrow money from us, if you cannot return, at least be polite, sometimes we have to collect the debt depending on YOUR MOOD. Hello, who is owing who now? By right we should be the one who have all kinds of mood, after all, you owe us money! How dare you tell us we are annoying you when we only remind you that it’s already the next month and you still haven’t repay us? And aren’t you supposed to be lucky? We are good people, not even loan shark who will charge interest, treat you as our friend only lend you money, now you give us shit ah?


So the next time you give us this kind of attitude, please don’t make noise if we start harassing you in a civilized way, we won’t invest on paint, we won’t hire hitman to finish your family members, we won’t inflict physical injury BUT we will constantly remind you that you owe us money, change phone number? Fine, go to your house and negotiate only ma, move house? Nah 500 bucks also you cannot afford to pay us already, how to even move?

The morale of the story is this: No matter that person is your friend or relative, if they want money badly, learn to say NO. Unless they are investing on a proper business. Otherwise ask them to go borrow from loan shark, because since you are their friend/relative, they know you won’t be harsh on them so they can deliberately delay the payment and have the guts to tell you to fuck off. Don’t have to be so kind all the time. And remember don’t be so kaypochi and be a guarantor, you already got shits in your life, don’t have to have extra shit!

This story is based on multiple experience from myself and my family members, we are always fed up with people who cannot return the money to us and still have to give us some attitude. If these people are polite, we don’t mind helping them but we’ve seen a lot of fucked up people that’s why I’m here to tell y’all not to borrow your friends money. And don’t be an idiot, I’m not talking about SMALL SUM ok?


LOL~ so true... =)


Complained @ 9:15 AM

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

On 24 Aug 2008, 7.18am, this photo was taken...

All the half dead faces!

Its a conspiracy to torture ourselfs for the 10km AHM run...

Ailvera's missing cos she's kaypoh-ing somewhere else with her friend~
Weng's missing cos he's the camera man~

In the beginning... all still very energetic

Middle to Ending... all die liao~

I really did'nt know that Joanne can run so well~

Small Eugene did'nt run with us! @#*%

Those sweaty faces that can be caught just before they chased us off for blocking the road~

All!!! Gathering outside Starbucks~

Anyway... the tiredness was definitey worth it!
How often can you see Jiao posing like this~

42K!!! HERE WE COME! =)


Complained @ 11:39 AM

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Its a miracle on how you can edit a photo from

To become

Super funny la~ =)

go to
to create your own entertainment!!! WHOAHAHHAA~


Complained @ 11:15 AM