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We are nice gentle innocent cute people!!!
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We take turns to bitch about things we don't like!
Sometimes even about things we like~
Depends on our moods~!!!


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Saturday, November 29, 2008

I hate people who comes to me and say :
"remove my photo/video" from _________ (wadever... fill in the blanks)

I mean, COME ON! What The FUCK?

To me, allowing your photo to be taken by MY camera automatically means that you are allowing me to take your photo, edit it into some porn star/fluke, and post it on ANYWHERE ELSE! __

Whats the point of asking people to take your photo, then say :"Dont upload to shared folder,dont let people see?"
In that case, i could have saved that extra bit of memory, or use the time to take NICER photos with NICER people with no issues...


Fuck the people who thinks that they have all the rights to kaypoh about other's personal items and are OVERLY protective of theirs...
Fuck the people who thinks they are handsome, and uses your camera to take alot of photos and DONT allow you to share it
Fuck the people who thinks they are sooo famous that every Tom Dick or Hairy would recognise at a glance...
Fuck the people that makes a din over UGLY photos of them
Fuck YOU!

Why says you can laugh at my ugly photos as well?
Who says you can keep criticizing EVERYTHING about me?
Who says YOU have the permission to dig into my stuffs?
Who says you can take all the food which was meant to be shared NOT FOR YOU ALONE!
Who gives a damn about WHO you are? What's so important about LOSING your FACE
Who gives a damn about YOU?

Stop asking me if "you still angry ar?" when you jolly well know it
Stop asking me WHY when i've already told you everything
Stop bugging me to talk to you when i'm still pissed at you

Everyone gives you face...
Not me...


Complained @ 12:01 PM

Friday, November 28, 2008

I usually dont drink...

From young, my mom always taught me that girls will always be at the loosing end...
I dont drink with people outside the wushu group as they are the only people i can trust with my life~

One day, received a red bomb from my collegue to go to malaysia for her wedding...

Went with some idiots! its more like we were enjoing ourselves at a chalet then going for a wedding

I did'nt want to drink at first...
Not because i did'nt trust them, but because we are not thaaaat close yet!!!

After much persuation...
much nagging...
much psycoing...
And having the bride's father 敬-ing me countless times,

I bo pien drink...

Having a cute brother is fatal...

Anyway... You all would know that if i hold any drinks or food, it would automatically go into my mouth...

And after getting high, EVERYTHING goes into my mouth...
I could'nt control le...
Luckily we did'nt stay for too long...

Went back to our chalet and there's where the "FUN" started...

Recalling the history of my drunkness like hitting Joanne, pinching Bin, biting Leslie...

The usually gentle me became violent AGAIN! (Thats only the beginning)

(this is for a saddist Weng who asked what did i do besides banging my head on the wall)
-I managed to bathe without knowing how i did it
-Stole everyone's blankets
-Returned everyone's blankets
-Pushed Viknes's bed to obstruct the door
-Got trapped in the room
-Laughed at Edmond who also got trapped in the room
-Bite the mattress
-Bite the pillow
-Bite leg hairs
-Pointed middle finger
-Pointed middle fingers
-Hugged a BIG water bottle to sleep
-Bang my head on the wall(many times)


Lucky i dont drink when Leslie drives so that i can drive the car back...
If not you would be sooo traumatised too

SideNote: Here's to the 2 idiots that Pang-Seh-ed us...


Complained @ 10:29 AM

Thursday, November 27, 2008

a drama series abt the legend of bruce lee:)
had a couple of trailer here...

if interested to watch can go this website:

Labels: ,

Complained @ 2:18 PM

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanks to Robert who organised this "bloody" event for us!

1st we were given breifings and then weapons...
Paintball (22)

Then to the battlefield!
(Split into 3 teams)
Paintball (37)

PS: Stop cloud shoot only 1 bullet for her first round! @*#%

It was a hot and messy and painful event~
Sooo hot that his goatee needs to be cooled~
Paintball (78)

Discussing tatics that never works
Paintball (93)

We got bloodier and bloodier
Paintball (94)

The battlefield~
Paintball (109)

STEALING!!! the brick before u get shot...
Paintball (119)

Another bloody victim
Paintball (142)
Just as we were getting used to the pain and enjoying the many rounds of war, our 2 hours were over!

Damn!!! Time always flies when you are having fun!!!

Group photo time!!!
Paintball (173)

Kill stop cloud
Paintball (176)

The casulties for the day
Paintball (180)
Orh Chea somewhere somepart of the body~

All because of one bloody small gobstopper sized ball! @*#%
Paintball (103)


Complained @ 10:47 AM

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Weng showed me this website...

Semen is not only nutritious, but it also has a wonderful texture and amazing cooking properties. Like fine wine and cheeses, the taste of semen is complex and dynamic. Semen is inexpensive to produce and is commonly available in many, if not most, homes and restaurants. Despite all of these positive qualities, semen remains neglected as a food. This book hopes to change that. Once you overcome any initial hesitation, you will be surprised to learn how wonderful semen is in the kitchen. Semen is an exciting ingredient that can give every dish you make an interesting twist. If you are a passionate cook and are not afraid to experiment with new ingredients - you will love this cook book!

An example of the receipe and the picture~

More examples?

Damn... it looks good... but if u really made that and passed it to me, i will smack your balls! @*#%

Weng! You like cooking? DIY at home and tell us how it tastes ok! =)


Complained @ 9:15 AM

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Found this trailer of a wushu movie named “Wushu”

Starring Hong Jin Bao, Producer Jackie Chan… looks cool but dun think showing in S’pore leh..

anyway those main cast are real life champions also...cool

the transition of last trailer nice leh...

Labels: ,

Complained @ 2:25 AM

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Something SUPER happening happened yesterday!!!

Saw this at our tagbox!

OMG! I was suddenly thinking what could happen! Accident? Robbery?

Super Kanchiong! Surfed around Chensiang, Weng, Man, Jewl's blog and could'nt find any answer!

In the end, saw this at Wanling's blog~


Decided to try my luck by calling Man's HP~
Abit scared cos "WHAT IF THE KIDNAPPER ANSWERS!!! @*#%"

There's a ringing tone, which is some kind of a good news...

Its a girl's voice! OMG!!! ITS MY MAN MAN!!!

Talked cok awhile and she said that some China guy was trying to con her family for $$$~
Meanwhile, the timing was just nice as she just boarded the plane...
PS: She's safe and was on her way home!


Its nice to have such a great friend like Jewl! =)


Complained @ 11:29 AM

Friday, November 14, 2008

This is what i did in the office when we were supposed to be working on Saturday...

The Pantry! Where all the happenings HAPPENS!


Complained @ 9:32 AM

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Received this email while checking my office email this morning....


Good day,

My Name is Mr Evans Edumuh, the Head of Finance/Contracts Approval
Dept - Benin
Energy and Mines Industry. I am making this Business Proposal to you with the
trust that you can handle it.

It is Five million eight hundred thousand Euro Contract Payment. The contract
payment belongs to a foreign contractor (Name withheld).He supplied trucks,
tractors, light and heavy industrial equipments and installations to our
industry. The contract was satisfactorily executed and completed in November
2003 and the payment was approved in February 2004.

But since the approval of the contract payment in Feb 2004, the foreign
contractor has not shown up to receive the payment. All efforts to contact him
or any of his relatives have been in vain.

It was just few Months ago I discovered that the foreign contractor died in a
plain crash along with his wife (Partner) and their only daughter before the
contract payment was approved. So the contract payment has no other registered
beneficiary now. See details of the plane crash from the below

I am contacting you to use my position as the Head of Finance/contract
department to recommend you as the business partner to the deceased so
that the
contract payment will be paid to you. I will use my position to update all the
deceased Payment Receiving File in your Name as his business partner and when
this payment is paid to you, seventy percent of the payment will be for me and
you shall have thirty percent.

Note; the procedure for the release of this payment is a straight process that
will not incriminate you in anyway what so ever. So my assurance is that your
role is risk free and I can assure you that if I can have your total co-
operation, this fund will be paid to you within (7) working days.

I will send you the procedures when you respond to this email. In your reply
include your full names, address and your telephone numbers.

You can aswell email me through this email address: dumuhev01@ubbi.com

Please treat as urgent and confidential.

Mr Evans Edumuh.
Tel: +229-98934306


Do they really think that people are so stupid to believe in these?

It's a new method... nice try... but try harder~


Complained @ 9:31 AM

Monday, November 10, 2008

Thinking of going for plastic surgery?? Think carefully… cos u wouldn’t want to become liddat…

Cant imagine these 3 r photos of the same person?? She went for plastic surgery to become liddat just becos her husband likes cat… so these are the results…

Ps: going for plastic surgery can be addictive too


Complained @ 11:30 PM



Meet Him and Jiao and Joy(my collegue) for lunch just now at harbourfront!
Jiao wanted to eat the spicy drumlets so we went to KFC...

and NOW! Nigel keeps complaining about the pimple on his face! @*#%

i think i gt pimple le
all ur fault
because of the rain?
fried stuffs la! i 1 yr eat kfc less than 5 times
cos of jiao then i eat 1! haiz! u see nw i sad le
you very weak sia
wat weak! i strong hor! u gt see me do chin up b4, u should know
i mean your body system
dun know, sux la! nt ur business! it is all ur fault! i hate fried food
you should start training your body to eat more fried food
no way! never i will change
u nv season your body, easy to have pimple one, like u need mask and all to maintain
i dun like the taste
if you dont use, then pimple come out, thats not good wat
anyway i regretted

See his msn nick!!!

Really feel like strangling him on the spot NOW NOW NOW!!! @*#%


Complained @ 5:07 PM

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I'm SOOO PISSED!!! @*#%

Was on my way to Hougang temple yesterday...
Happily squeezed into the North-East from harbourfront to hougang and saw this!

Joanne says that maybe she was playing handphone and did'nt see the Ah Ma, but NO!
I thought she was going to stand, but NO! She continued playing with her bloody handphone!!! @*#%

How could anyone bear to see someone SOOO old and unsteady standing directly in front of you and not give up your seat?

Not as if the person is 3 or 4 seats/rows away, but standing DIRECTLY in front! @*#%

My blood is boiling and i kept Kao-Peh-ing loud loud to Joanne knowing that she could hear...
Idiot Joanne kept asking me to shut up! @*#%

The whole bloody family was seating at that row! WTF! Family corner ar?

Its only until after i took the photos that the stupid girl stood up and went to cuddle with the rest of her family...



Complained @ 12:14 PM